AGES 5-16
When you are ready for the absolute highest level of chess in the land, it is time for The Knight School The Masters class! Taught by one of our top The Knight School instructors in the country, The Masters is a ZOOM class taught Tuesdays 5:30-7:00 PM CT, September-May. The Masters teaches complicated chess lessons and also launches fun chess tournaments for kids each class. This class is by invitation only. Specifically, you are invited if you are currently one of the hotshots in your city’s The Varsity city-wide chess class, and you ALSO have earned the rare black shirt by collecting all 25 TactixBands listed on the inside of every TKS Chess Set, like this genius kid:

Each week The Masters teaches a high-level lesson on various openings, concepts, and approaches that is vastly different than any of our other curricula. These are extreme chess lessons for kids, and they are fun! While our elementary curriculum enumerates and drills all the sixteen tactics which are so important in chess, The Masters synthesizes these tactics in a symphony of force to absolutely devastate one’s opponent.
Arrow overload below! Check out this “four-fingered fist” that makes up the “Castle Crushing Attack.” Can you see the best move for white? When the bishop checks on H7, a world of trouble is unleashed, resulting in a checkmate in only a few moves, no matter what! These are the types of complicated scenarios that The Masters students are drilled on each week. A new lesson is presented weekly on a variety of openings, ideas, and concepts that really takes your chess game to the next level.

Each week, challenge the absolute best Knight School players in The Masters arena. Beware, these Masters students are absolutely destructive on the chessboard. Like trained secret agents, these chess players never reveal their hidden plans or secret identities to the uninitiated.

If you somehow recognize one of these chess players on the street, run for dear life before they challenge you to a chess game!

And by the way, enrollment in The Masters earns you the ultra-rare tie dye The Knight School Shirt. Behold:

Well, are you up for the challenge? Have you earned, or are you thinking about earning the ultra-rare TKS Black shirt? Contact your City Coach today about joining the ultimate chess club for kids: The Masters class!